Objectives that the organization has determined to focus on within this Strategic Plan are:
1. This organization is a non-profit, non-political, public interest, non-governmental social organization, supporting efforts to improve maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality health services in Nepal to help improve the health system to increase access to health services, increase the number of health facilities and provide quality health services, especially maternal, neonatal, child health and family planning (MNCH / FP) to conduct programs for full expansion of services.
2.The Health Program is implementing an integrated system approach to federalism in Nepal, including building budgets and management for the delivery of health services in collaboration with local governments, officials from Nepal's Ministry of Health and Population and health care providers, and municipal councils and health institutions. Working with Health Facility Operation and Management Committees (HFOMCs) to address social, economic, and geographical barriers that increase access to health care for women and the most marginalized communities in the targeted geographic area.
3. The private sector has made significant partnerships to meet primary health goals, helping to serve a diverse population of urban and rural, rich, and poor, and providing valuable resources to the sector, such as skilled health workers, financing and development of the infrastructure needed to deliver services. Partnering with the private sector to help improve access to health services, strengthen the health system and improve health outcomes.
4. Factors leading to poor nutritional status include the following dietary variations; Poor health, hygiene, and nutritional behavior; Conduct targeted programs to increase access to safe water, toilets, and quality health and family planning services.
5. Conduct programs for women's health, education, protection, rights, and overall development. Conduct self-defense training, legal literacy and assistance, and entrepreneurship training for their rights and empowerment.
6.Continuing to move forward in collaboration with multi-sectoral stakeholders by "Strengthening public health supply chain to ensure the availability of essential medicines for quality health service delivery to save lives at last mile" round the year.
7. Conduct programs aimed at diversifying into more climate-smart intensive and high value commodities of key crops and strengthening local market systems to support more competitive and flexible value chains and agri-related businesses as well as improving enabling environments for agriculture and market system development.
8. Always support the Government's efforts on sustainable and competitive agricultural production to reduce poverty, eradicate hunger and malnutrition. Diversify agricultural and non-agricultural livelihoods through access to financial services, financial and vocational skills, and vocational training.
9. Reduce violence against adolescents and women by providing equal opportunities to adolescents and adolescents in their communities, ensuring that all children have access to quality education at the Federal, Province and Local levels by making the policy process more transparent, participatory and informed at the Federal, Province and Local levels. And to face discriminatory attitudes and practices to make the community free from child marriage, child trafficking and child labor.